Czesław Putowski
Persons, originating from Poland

Czesław Putowski

Born: In Warsaw, date of birth unknown
Died: April 1925
No objective information about Putowski's life is available. In an article in the Dziennik Bałtycki (Baltic Daily) of August 27, 1968, he is described as a sympathetic, brave member of the Soviet Russian Secret Service (Cheka). He was head of the Cheka in Tajikistan. According to the article in the Dziennik Bałtycki, the task of the Cheka was to liberate the inhabitants from feudal domination and from bands of robbers.

Wikipedia writes about this period in Tajikistan: After the Russian Revolution of 1917 guerrillas known as basmachi, waged a war against Bolshevik armies in a futile attempt to maintain independence. The Bolsheviks prevailed after a four-year war, in which mosques and villages were burned down and the population heavily suppressed. Soviet authorities started a campaign of secularisation. Practising Islam, Judaism, and Christianity was discouraged and repressed, and many mosques, churches, and synagogues were closed. As a consequence of the conflict and Soviet agriculture policies, Tajikistan suffered a famine that claimed many lives.
No further information available about Czesław Putowski.

Soviet negotiations with basmachi in 1921.
The person wearing a cap and sitting on the right side of the table could be Putowski.

Polonica stamps:

Soviet Union 1963, 30 XII